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Request for Panel Topics

Submission Milestones

oSTEM is now accepting panel topic proposals for the 14th Annual oSTEM Conference.

Read on for more information about panel topics. Below is a list of important dates for panel topic proposal submission.

  • Monday, April 8: Request for Programming Released
  • Friday, May 31: Deadline for Submissions
  • End of June: List of Accepted Panel Topics Available
  • Beginning of July: Release of Call for Panelists
  • End of August: Selected Panelists are notified

Panel Topics Overview

Panel submissions help to diversify the programming opportunities at the oSTEM conference and are an effective way to understand multiple viewpoints on a single topic. oSTEM is interested in helping to facilitate the creation of panels for the 2024 conference by first selecting panel topics that align with current themes and programming and then taking an additional step to ensure panels are composed of individuals that are best able to speak on the topic.

Submissions are expected to be from individuals that are willing to moderate or participate in a panel with the topic they have provided. A future call for panelists will be provided by oSTEM in order to fill panelist spots on topics available. oSTEM will accept suggestions of individuals that the applicant believes would offer a unique perspective on the topic they have proposed. Panelists suggested does guarantee that they will be selected for the panel discussion.

Panel discussions will be structured as 1 moderator and 3-4 participants. The moderator will be responsible for maintaining the pace of conversation so that all pre-determined questions can be answered in the allotted time. Panel members will be expected to plan a succinct response ahead of time to the questions provided by the moderator.

All panel discussions will fill a 50-minute timeblock. This should roughly divide into 30-40 minutes of pre-planned questions with an additional 10-20 minutes of audience selected questions.

2024 Submission Components

Submission Components
Session Title
20 words max
What is a short summary of the panel topic?
150 words max
- A couple sentences introducing the topic in terms that someone with no a priori knowledge would understand.
What is the value of this workshop to the LGBTQ+ STEM Community?
500 words max
- Provide a description of why this topic is pertinent.
- What makes the oSTEM conference an appropriate venue to discuss this topic?
Panel Questions
500 words max
- List several questions that may be asked to panelists during this workshop session.

Benefits for Panelists

  • 50% registration discount
  • Add "Selected Talk for National Conference" to resume or CV
  • Gain additional public speaking experience
  • Increase visibility and networking opportunities with LGBTQ+ professionals and recruiters in STEM
  • Present on lived experiences and identities in addition to academic and professional development topics
  • (???) Receive presenter acknowledgment in conference program book and on badge

Additional Info

For more information about the conference visit https://ostem.org/conference-2024. (Not published yet)

For more information about oSTEM visit https://ostem.org

Note: If you are unable to access the submission form due to technical issues please contact conference@ostem.org prior to sending a document or email submission.

Please email our Conference Programming Committee at conference-programming@ostem.org with any questions.

For inquiries regarding available conference accommodations or to request this document in an accessible format, please contact the accessibility team at access@ostem.org.